藝術家-瑪莉蓮曼森Marilyn Manson
有趣的作品,比起有意思我想「有趣」更接近我的看法,我很喜歡曼森對色彩陰影的表達。高一致性,高級的出采 |
《Experience Is the Mistress of Fools》
使用作為專輯封面的作品,同樣色彩豐富大膽。肩上的小圖案們有點意思 |
《Trismegistus》3 HEADED JESUS
據說是創作在一塊棺材木板上,真實無否不得知 這幅作品非常精細,單就三頭耶穌的額部、面頰光影就超級認真 |
《 Die Deutsche Kampferin 》
MM: "The name comes from what I believe was a women's magazine during the Third Reich that was kind of like the Cosmopolitan of propaganda, and it was about being a strong woman for Germany. That painting was sarcastic. I started painting it right when I came home from the Magic Castle, because I'm a member there, and I wanted to do something that tied in '30s Hollywood and Berlin, and Charlie Chaplin was definitely an inspiration. "I thought the flowers in the background were a cross between columbines, which some people don't know are flowers, and palm trees. It was also around the time of the Columbine event, which I was blamed for. It's so ironic now that the movie, Bowling For Columbine, has made people see how ridiculously the media treated the whole thing now. People don't realize how it almost completely destroyed my career. My life was at risk, and I basically wanted to give up. It's great that I've kind of come full circle." 又是一幅諷刺創作,特點做得很好、色彩運用沒話說 如果是我,會它命名為《我靠左》當然我沒有命名權,喔我是說它真的靠左;難道你認為希特勒是右翼嗎? |
《Skoptic Syndrome (Jack) 》
有一個時期曼森有非常大量裸身的人型創作…不難發現幾乎都是裸身的人們 觀察人們似乎是他的興趣之一,如同他原來的音樂評論者工作…察覺一些什麼確是他的專長 |
《Easter Sunday》
MM: "This one is a few years old. It's an Easter painting, a holiday item. She has six fingers, which I also had on the cover of Mechanical Animals. It's a reference to Seraphim, a religious reference. Angels were said to have six fingers on one hand." 某個easter復活節的早晨。我很有興趣知道他的腦海裡跑過了些什麼?有著兔子耳朵六隻手指的?或者我需要來點苦艾酒? |
《You're sure you will be comfortable?》
我想起曼森出席某公眾場合時一同出現於鏡頭前奇妙的、戴面具卻露出私處的女伴。 那篇報導有趣的是當他們下車時,畫面不斷的拍攝著女子奇異的「服裝」…而曼森似乎正在揉眼睛或者意圖遮住臉? |
《Lily White》
MM: "This is something I did the day I got my kitten. If you've been on my web site, you know she is quite famous. She couldn't be here tonight. She's a real bitch. I love her, actually. She's got more tits than my girlfriend. I can't say they're better, there's just more of them." 曼森的愛貓,那是一隻擁有大量粉絲的捲毛白貓,來自他與前妻蒂塔的禮物,確實是非常可愛的小貓。 曼森作品中的的陰影是我見過的創作中處理得很優秀的一位! |
《'Don't look at me that way, I'm trying to concentrate》
曼森有許多創作材料與苦艾酒有關…苦艾酒是他最愛的酒品!而創作時畫筆不小心攪進酒杯似乎是經常發生的事,所以總是能如此熟悉它的顏色 苦艾酒同時也是梵谷、畢卡索、海明威、王爾德的最愛。被稱為綠精靈、綠仙子、綠色謬思、綠色魔鬼 |
《Hand of glory》
Here's what MM said about the painting: "There is a fine line between being childish or holding onto your childish imagination in just the right way. This painting has a bit of that. It was never meant to be a portrait of myself but a symbol of the sadness of sometimes not being able to do what you want to do."
And from another source: "This painting's actually of a girl but everyone thinks it's a boy. It's part of a short story I wrote about a girl and her hand being taken away from her. It kind of goes along with superstitions from voodoo and witchcraft about taking someone's hand and getting power from it. I thought that piece was good to represent the whole show because it represents my approach to all art by doing things in a childish way, and it's about how people often want to take away that element and try to make you grow up or play by the rules. There's a difference between being immature and being childish, and I don't mind being childish, because there's something beautiful about the way kids are fearless. That picture's really about innocence and the sadness at its being taken away."
《Death Enjoys the Fruits of His Labor》
嗯,讓我沉浸的、安靜的、異趣。我想那是合理的however我認為有些悲傷 |
《When I get old I Would Like a Drink》
MM: "I have a photo of William Burroughs hanging in my hallway that looks a bit like that. I looked at it one day and thought, 'If I could do all the things that he did and still look like that when I get old, I'd be real happy.' So when I was painting it, I was drinking absinthe, which I often do, and I dipped a brush in the wrong bowl, in my drink, and that's when I discovered what a great stain absinthe makes on the paper." 幾張苦艾酒的作品都超級喜愛!我猜綠色魔鬼讓這位創作者增添了不少靈感與更多的"鏘" |
噢很可愛的一幅ALIESTER。曼森手上少見的、使用墨水和壓克力顏料製成的創作!雖然貓兒很黑但是情緒表達明顯,忠實呈現 有興趣的話各位搜尋蒂塔的貓咪們,真的太可愛~aliester臉太臭了超臭 |
《Ready or Not tot》
《Someone Should put hearts over her eyes 》(portrai for Evan Rachel Wood)
《》(Dita Von Teese)
One of Dita von Teese but what's it called? 咳,曼森前後有過多任女友,他也經常以女友、其他人為作品靈感 說實話,最美的一位最美的一幅在我心裡都是同樣一位女士。 噹啷,我喜愛的女士蒂塔!這神韻和衣帽,確實就是那個她 |
《Les Fleurs du Mal》
延伸閱讀:【哇艸藝術EP005】全球最貴脫衣舞孃蒂塔 奢華香豔的舞台工作者∣Dita Von Teese
圖片來源:marlilyn manson's Watercolour paintings-MARILY MASON IMAGES
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